Friday, May 29, 2009

iMobileCinema v2 Beta 5 Released

Long time no see!

We have rewritten the entire code, and made a better performance on Flash Video playback.

What's new
1. optimized video decoder;
2. hardware accelerated audio decoder;
3. no flash memory write operations;
4. many bugs fixed.

Unfortunately, a lot of sites changed their Flash Player content, or migrated their videos to Main/High Profile AVC codec MP4 files. We'll update the parsing code on our server in the next month. So, be patient, the site supports will come back in a couple of days.


Unknown said...

great to hear! gonna update :)

thew00 said...

awesome, gonna test it out right away.
i already thought u guys were dead, i've been wishing for an update for a long time.
thx :)

higher power said...

Is this change of and migration of content the reason sites like megavideo and YouTube stopped working a few weeks back?

Unknown said...

how come megavideo doesnt play now and sites are saying not to upgrade and i already did please lemme downgrade dont fix what aint broke

iblastoff said...

Gary, you clearly don't understand what's going on.

Imobilecinema team, I'm glad you guys are back!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I hope support for megavideo and other various sites comes soon as possible. I know how many people are changing their video player plugin to something less deserving that actually allows them to play movies on their iPod touch through megavideo and other sites. Everything was fine before this update.

Unknown said...

They should include a way to downgrade until this compatibility/ support problem is solved.

Unknown said...


I tried to play this:

But it didn't work. Are there some FLVs that iMobileCinema does not support?